Monday, October 17, 2011

Team Member Spotlight: Li Qin

I came from the city of Shenzhen, which is located in Southern China and part of the Canton Area, so you may be surprised to find that besides English, I also speak Mandarin and Cantonese. I have been staying in the U.S. since 2008 and my experience is pretty unique: from Kansas to California.

So my first step in the States was Hays, which is a small college town in the land of cowboys, Kansas. Coming from a country with crowded population all the time, what I saw in K-state really surprised me. People say hello to strangers, eating and drinking with neighbors, and they never lock their doors! Those experiences kept on my mind and say, “If there is Utopia, it is the United States.” However, this thought totally changed right after I came in San Francisco. Here you may find a definitely more interesting life style than Kansas; although at the same time the city is full of competition which means people are not always ready to show compassion on your mistakes.
Working for Latitude 38 Group is one of the most meaningful things in my life thus far. Not only because it is my first time working for a U.S. company, but also because here I have the opportunity to meet many great people including my supervisors and co-workers. In Latitude 38 Group, I have learned the basic functions of the real estate industry and come to realize that all the brokers and dealers are sharing one common value on their work, which is to provide our community with better and ideal working and living space.
Dating back to three years ago when I first arrived to the U.S., this country’s economy was in the lowest point of the recent recession. As a consequence, many businesses failed including the real estate industry. However, here in San Francisco, housing prices haven’t dropped much and some of the commercial buildings even raised their rents. This phenomenon impresses me and encourages me to study further on this successful secret.


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